Crossroads #29

Note: It is essential that all new members read either the full story or the summaries. This is for the benefit of the player so that the character will resume, or come into play correctly. If you have questions please send them . Thanks! –Umi


In Win-ko with Chad and Skyhawk the old man tells of the misfortunes the village has been plagued with, namely the untimely death of the village people and then their zombie like rise again. Chad, being his brave self, wants to rush into battle to save the village but his brother, Kyle a.k.a Skyhawk, gently reminds him that precautions are to be taken. Who knows what they are up against? In front of their eyes the old man becomes a dried up corpse. Before he sinks down into death, however, he tells them to find out about the white haired man. At this point Kyle decides that chad and himself need to go their separate ways and vanishes before Chad can stop him.

Ascot muses over Megor’s suggestion telling Umi that if she is alright with being carried he will consent as well for time is of the essence. Umi asks Ascot about how the weather has been as ominous clouds, thunder, and lightening gather near the palace. She also suggests that they walk a little, ride Ascot’s seiyus, and let Megor fly them through the journey so that no one method would be used fully.

Zazu, worried about Geo, offers further assistance to Leilandra and Quatre by means of his air ship. Leilandra responds in kind that she has it all taken care of, and that he reminds her of Kemi. Arista and Leala, her pet, offers any aide that they can. Leilandra finishes her summons of a Griffin while Quatre, Zazu, and Arista talk amongst themselves getting acquainted with each other.

Emeraude does not know how to explain to Rulya about her current whereabouts and turns to Clef for help. They gently help Clef into his bed in his own room at the Palace.

As a storm gathers on Cephiro Presea settles herself by Caldina and asks her if she needs any weapons for the journey.

Yil Rashara knows that he and the girls have been followed. Unbeknownst to everyone is the fact that Mokona has spotted the shadowy figure in an alleyway. The Yil tells the girls to run if they are attacked and let him do the fighting though Mackey is unwilling to leave someone to die like that.

Inside the Amethia tavern Jal Keiran suddenly realizes that his friend the Yil and the Yil’s young charges are in danger when a old women shouts that the magic knight of fire is fleeing the tavern. A Grey Blades, one of the thug leaders, asserts the old women’s truths and charges up after the group with the cry of "DEATH TO THE MAGIC KNIGHTS!!!" As they charge forward Jal Keiran stops Grey Blades in his tracks, fighting him while telling Yil Rashara to run. Other thugs in the surrounding buildings fire arrows at the group. Hikaru gets the group running as she holds onto Mokona tightly, running for their lives. As they run Yil Rashara stops and throws the book, Tragica Pillar, into Hikaru’s arms. He will make his stand here keeping the girls safe from arrows and thugs as the girls run towards a forest near the village. The Yil carries out two well place spells disabling a good portion of the bowmen as Sorra squawks. The Yil then begins to run for the group and the forest.

Back in the tavern a dart knocking him out hits the Jal Keiran but before he goes he sees something that will stay with him the rest of his life. One of the drug addicts springs to life from the floor battling the spears men that stayed behind to kill the Jal. This is none other than the shadow in disguise. He attacks and defeats the men leaving Jal Keiran to sleep peacefully, alive.

Meanwhile a small sprite on his way to Zenith bumps into Ferio who is carrying Fuu. He tells them that Zenith is in a nearby inn and politely asks them to carry him as the storm gusts make it almost impossible for the small sprite to fly there. He agrees and travels forward with Kyoko, and Fuu finally about to speak with Zenith.

At the end of Crossroads 29 Megor insists that they (Umi, Ascot, and himself) find a place to rest before the weather gets too bad. (This is one long chapter filled with tension, fights, and intrigue! If you can it is worth reading it yourself!)

[End of Crossroads summary 29]